
Called to Serve: A Basic Survey of the Holy Scriptures for Orthodox Christians is unavailable, but you can change that!

No longer will the Bible be an intimidating mass of stories and text gathering dust and guilt from disuse. In a fun and exciting journey, Fr. John A. Peck takes you through the entire Bible, answering questions you may not even know you have. In 20 brief lessons, Father John shows you how to set a firm foundation for your life in the Scriptures.

interconnected, designations of the “Word of God.” 1. The God-man Jesus Christ, the Eternal Word, the 2nd person of the Holy Trinity, 2. The written witness to Him in the form of prophetic and apostolic writings, that is, the Holy Scriptures, and, 3. The proclamation of Him as an invitation to faith and life in Him. For the Orthodox Christian, the Old and New Testaments form a unified whole of God’s revelation. That is, we do not see the Old Testament as the ‘Jewish Bible,’ and the New Testament
Pages 6–7